Jerusalem Embattled — Center for Palestine Studies | Columbia University
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Jerusalem Embattled

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Part 1: Embattled Jerusalem

Gendered Violence in the City—Murabitat al-Haram

Sarah Ihmoud, social/activist anthropologist from the University of Texas, Austin who has done extensive fieldwork in Occupied East Jerusalem for her Ph.D. dissertation, Intimate Invasions: Gender, Violence and the Politics of Belonging at the Jerusalem Border.

The Moroccan Quarter—History of an Erasure

Vincent Lemire, lecturer in contemporary history at the University of Paris-Est / Marne-la-Vallée whose books include La Soif de Jérusalem. Essai d’Hydrohistoire, 1840-1948 (2010) ; Jérusalem 1900. La ville sainte à l’âge des possibles (published in English by the University of Chicago Press 2017) and Jérusalem. Histoire d’une ville-monde (Flammarion 2016).

Part II: Open Jerusalem

Open-Jerusalem Project : a transnational and bottom-up database of primary archives of the Holy City (1840-1940)

Presentation and discussion of archival sources for the study of Jerusalem by Vincent Lemire, director of the ERC Open-Jerusalem Project (2014-2019).

"Jerusalem Embattled" is part of a series of research seminars and public events linked to "The Jerusalem Project” at the Center for Palestine Studies at Columbia University.