The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) will be holding its fourth and final session in New York City on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday, October 7. It will take place at the Great Hall, Cooper Union (7 East 7th Street, New York City).
The RToP is an International People's Tribunal created in response to the international community's inaction regarding Israel's recognized violations of international law. The Tribunal aims to bring attention to the complicity and responsibility of various national, international and corporate actors in the ongoing Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the perpetuation of Israel's impunity under international law. Although the RToP has no legal status, like other Russell Tribunals on Vietnam, Chile and Iraq, its legitimacy comes from its universality and the strength that it draws from the will of citizens and the support of international personalities who advocate for an end to the Israeli occupation and Israel's denial of Palestinian rights.
Following the sessions in Barcelona (which focused on EU complicity), London (on Corporate Complicity) and Cape Town (on the crime of Apartheid), the New York Tribunal will go back to the root of the conflict and focus on UN and US responsibility in the denial of the Palestinian right to self-determination.
For more information, please visit the Russell.
Tribunal on Palestine website.
The Russell Tribunal on Palestine will be live-streamed and recorded. You can watch it live on the Center for Palestine Studies website. Tune-in Oct. 6-7 from 10 AM - 5:30 PM to hear the live testimonies from expert witnesses and Jury responses: